Découvrez comment Prophix One répond aux besoins de votre entreprise

Two individuals sitting at a desk, engrossed in a tablet's screen, possibly discussing or analyzing its contents.

Analyse ad hoc

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A man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a calculator, working diligently on financial calculations.

Budgétisation et planification

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A woman wearing glasses sits at a table, focused on her laptop.

Planification de la trésorerie

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Two businesswomen collaborating on a laptop in a professional office setting.

Planification inter-entreprises

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a woman sitting at a desk using a laptop

Gestion de vos données

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Le Reporting ESG

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Two individuals sitting at a table, engrossed in their work on a laptop.

Clôture financière

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Two individuals sitting at a table, engrossed in their work on a laptop.

Consolidation financière

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An Asian woman focused on her laptop, working diligently in a cozy café setting.

Reporting financier

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A couple displaying a tablet with a graph on its screen.


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A professional black man with a cheerful expression sits at a desk, working on a laptop computer.

Gestion intercompagnie

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Two individuals sitting at a table, engrossed in their work on a laptop.

Module complémentaire MS365

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A diverse group of individuals gathered around a table, engrossed in their work on a laptop.

Planification des ressources humaines

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Two businessmen focused on a tablet computer, discussing business matters.

Reporting et analyse

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A woman using a tablet at a conference table, engaged in a professional setting.

Planification des ventes et des revenus

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A man wearing glasses is focused on his laptop, engrossed in his work.

Planification de scénarios

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A woman in a white shirt sits at a desk, analyzing graphs on a computer screen.


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Two individuals focused on a laptop screen, engrossed in their work.

Reporting XBRL/iXBRL

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en action